Project Proposal

What happens when we a can no longer trust what the news tells us, when every story is controlled and distorted to which the truths remain locked away behind several thick government firewalls? My project will graphically explore and document how we are lied to every day, narrating the areas of government/media mis-information and secrecy.  Through the use of images and text I will aesthetically display the manipulation of our news sources and how this distracts us from the more pressing problems, most of which they have made it so you would likely have to commit an offense to even try and find out.

The project will be bold and punchy with focus on the imagery and keywords to paint the pictures and describe the story. So that it flows, I will create a continuous page, semi-interactive website in which the viewer will be able to see the narrative by simply scrolling down the page and following along with the narration.

The page will be split into sections, each flowing into one another like a conversation, all focusing on the different aspects and areas worth pointing out that support the narrative. Other sections will be more interactive with the use of embedded youtube videos for short animations or cut up sections of news etc.


To create the project, I will be using Photoshop, for my graphics and general layouts. The project will be supported and mostly built on webydo so a lot of the usual coding and hard work is cut out allowing me to make it look visually almost exactly as i’d like. There will be some After Effects and minimal Cinema 4D for creating the other bits, such as the short youtube videos and any animated/moving work I may need.

My inspiration for this project came from Michael Simons and Paul Shoebridge, the two artists I studied last week, whose interactive project was entirely web based in a continuous style like this and displayed a particular kind of graphic style I can relate too. It was an immersive experience and I felt I learnt more from the striking imagery and choice keywords they used, when compared to a news article on the same topic, as the message was brought to life and thus seemed more powerful.

The basic prototype of the what the project will look like can be found here:




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